Troubles in Time, an upcoming 2.5D platformer for a province in The Netherlands, is an adventurous game for children. The user will play a normal Dutch kid who meets a professor with a broken time machine. But things go wrong and you end up figuring out how to get back.
The concept followed after a tour through the area. I filmed the tour and made a short film about the tour to get the atmosphere of the area right. This would become a major inspiration for the level design.
Character Design
After discussing the game and interactions, I started sketching the main character. I was looking for a style for the game.

We chose one of the styles, which would suit the feeling of the game and what we thought would appeal to the target group, the kids. And it did! We gave a presentation at a middle school in which the kids reacted positive.

Story Design
For the intro animation which would tell the encounter of the player and the professor I created a small storyboard and a visual to present the idea to the client.

I made sketches for the game map in two time ages: Roman era and the Ice Age.

Main characters animations

NPC character design

NPC Character animation
Level Design

Game Level Design
So I even build the level within Unity.

And the first gameplay footage of the prototype/alpha version: